Monday, July 18, 2011

Things to Grow With as Long Cold Spring

This spring has been very cold, rainy and long. This has not been a good year for growing a garden. Wait! Not completely. This is a good year in Utah for cold weather plants like potatoes, peas, the cabbage family,garlic, onions and other plants that like cool weather.
My potatoes have done very well, as well as my garlic, onions and Brussels sprouts. I have three kinds of potatoes, Klondike gold, red potatoes and some purple ones my daughter gave me. The purple potatoes that my dauhter gave me had spouted and the sprouts were eight inches long. I did not think they would do well, but planted them anyway. They came up fine and are doing well.
This spring the apricot tree came out in full bloom. The next day we had six inches of snow. I have a fine picture of the apricot tree in full bloom and covered with snow. I thought that we would not have one apricot on the tree, but to my great surprise, the tree is loaded with apricots.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fall Report of Garden

This has been a very good year for my little garden.I had quite a crop of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and string beans. I planted the Kentucky Wonder Pole beans. I think I will plant the bush beans from now on as they produce more in far less space. My best crop was cucumbers. I had four varities. My favorite cucumbers were the seedless English kind. They grew quite long and were sweet and tender. The vines produced tons of cucumbers.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Garden Harvest

My little garden has done very well this year. I extended my garden along a fence row for about thirty feet. This area has much more sun than the rest of the garden and so has done exceptionally well. I have harvested quite a lot of cucumbers and tomatoes this year. Lots of cherry tomatoes and also large tomatoes. I planted peppers and the harvest was good. The best cucumbers were the long seedless ones and I liked them very well.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Growing Garden

My little garden is really growing, especially the potatoes. They are two feet high now and growing each day. They are flowering now, with white and blue flowers. The tomatoes are doing well now that it is getting hotter. They just stood there for a whole month while it was cold. The squasch plants are growing fast and I expect to have a lot of them soon.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Garden

I have a little garden behind the apartment that I live in. I have planted three kinds of potatoes, two red ones and one Klondike Gold. I have eleven tomato plants along the fence where there is the most sunlight. I have twelve pepper plants and they are of three varieties. I also have a Mexican vine that produces large green fruit with a seed that you can eat I have six squash plants.